Thursday, February 19, 2009


My son Joshua Rafael just turned 10 today :) 
I wish him a very, very , very Happy Birthday!!!
May he grow to be a strong, lovable, caring, smart, audacios, adventorous
kind, loving, friendly , healthy boy,teenager,man. May he learn from his travels around
the world. May he always be blessed and know that he is loved and wanted and cared for
every minute and every day of his lifetime. May all your dreams come true.
I am very proud of you , of everything you have already accomplished in your
short life.
A million kisses to you.

1 comment:

Majeak Ann said...

Hey chica, felicidades a tu chico! Que linda foto, y qué orgullo verlos crecer...
Se ve super nice el blog. Oye, las fotos son muy buenas, qué cámara es la que usas para fotografiar tus fotos en etsy? estoy loca por tener cámara buena....o me escribes en gmail, cuando puedas.

La comida de PR, yummyyyy!
Exito siempre.